Jackson GarrellCircles, Uncategorized

This is one of the harshest realities most people face as young adults: When people value you, they make time for you. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it is true. If you know someone who is always too busy to hang out, then they likely don’t prioritize your relationship. People get busy. Just because someone cancels plans a few times doesn’t mean they don’t see your worth. But if it’s a constant pattern, then you may need to evaluate what’s happening. It’s usually not a matter of availability; it’s a matter of priority.

Do you want to know what a person values? Look at how they spend their time and their money. Calendars and bank accounts reveal a lot. If a person spends hours in front of the mirror or shopping online, they prioritize their appearance. If someone spends all their time looking at shoes on Instagram and spends all their money Jordans, they value sneakers. If someone takes you to coffee and puts their phone down to talk, they value you.

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”

In this short parable, Jesus explains that a relationship with God is like a hidden treasure. It’s not just good — It’s worth sacrificing everything for. In ancient times, real estate contracts were very simple. When you bought land, you also got everything on it. Does the land have a bunch of bees on it? They’re your bees now. Does it have a herd of cats living on it? They’re your cats. Does it have a box full of gold and jewels on it? Congratulations, you get the treasure. God’s Kingdom is like a hidden treasure in a field. Once you experience it, it’s worth sacrificing anything to make it your top priority.

Our culture has convinced us to be fixated with the idea of “more.” We want more stuff. We want more popularity. We crave more money. We want more Instagram likes. It can quickly become an unhealthy obsession. More is a myth. All of those possessions will end up in a landfill one day. Money will not give your life purpose. When you choose to prioritize Jesus, everything else in life will fall into place.

This passage is not about buying heaven. It’s encouraging readers to check their priorities. Jesus is asking, “What do you value? Are you willing to sacrifice everything for life with Me?” The man in the parable was willing to give up what he had because he knew life with God would be better. He sold everything he had with a heart of joy! He knew that it was worth it. Sacrifice isn’t always dreadful. It brings great joy to pursue God — even when that means sacrifice.

Sacrificing popularity to do the right thing for Jesus is worth it.
Sacrificing the higher paying job to uphold your ethics for Jesus is worth it.
Sacrificing your pride to be honest for Jesus is worth it.

There is no one, no thing, and no experience in this entire world that is better than Jesus. He’s worth treasuring. He’s worth the sacrifice. He’s worth prioritizing.