Psalms of Praise: Boast in the Lord

Jackson GarrellUncategorized

I remember my first Thanksgiving with my boyfriend. We had been dating for a few years so we were eager to meet each other’s extended family and spend time together on a holiday. We’re from the same town so we made plans to spend Thanksgiving lunch with my family then eat Thanksgiving dinner at his house. The day started out perfectly. My boyfriend got along with my cousins really well and the food was amazing! I enjoyed every last bite of my mom’s famous turkey with cranberry sauce, beef tenderloin, green bean casserole, and apple pie. Then we went to Ty’s house. It was going great until I saw the bountiful feast on the table. At that moment I came to a terrible realization. I was full.

I strategically dished one tiny teaspoon from each serving platter onto my plate. My plan was to taste a variety of foods brought from a few different families so I could compliment their cooking and make a good impression. Unfortunately, my small portions didn’t go unnoticed. They insisted over and over again that I take more food. I tried to eat more, but I couldn’t! I was so full that even Great Aunt Mary’s cookies couldn’t find a place in my stomach. I couldn’t eat our second Thanksgiving feast because I was already full from our first meal.

There’s a limit to how full you can be. This isn’t just a rule of the stomach, it’s a rule of the heart as well. It’s impossible to be totally full of two different things. You can’t be full of kindness if you’re full of jokes that put others down. You can’t be full of love if you’re full of hate for one person who did you wrong. You also can’t be full of Christ if you’re full of yourself.

READ Psalm 44:8
In God we have boasted continually, and we will give thanks to your name forever. Boast is a fancy word for brag. David is simply saying that he brags about God all the time and he’ll never stop.

As always when reading the Bible, you need to look at this verse in context for a fuller understanding. While verse 8 mentions boasting in the Lord continually and giving thanks to God, most of this chapter is downright depressing. The Psalmist talks about terribly challenging times full of brokenness and defeat. Psalm 17-18 says, “All this has come upon us, though we have not forgotten you, and we have not been false to your covenant. Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps departed from your way.” Life was really, really hard, but their hearts remained full of the Lord. When you’re full of God, you’re able to praise Him in difficult times. You’re so full of His love that you find joy and peace in Him regardless of what is going on. You feel God’s unchanging presence and goodness. You know God has a purpose for you and that He is in control.

On the other hand, if you’re full of yourself, you’re easily defeated when life doesn’t go your way. When you’re boastful there’s no room for God in your heart. You end up praising yourself instead. You brag about your own accomplishments, milestones, influence, and status. So what happens when life gets hard and all your success seems to be ripped away from you? You’re left feeling empty.

Place your praise in our perfect God. Fill your heart with gratefulness for God instead of pride in yourself.
You may waver when things get tough, but God will never change.
You may weaken when things get tough, but God is almighty and powerful.
You may lose it when things get tough, but God is always in control.

Boast in the Lord continually. Rely on His supernatural strength to fill your heart with gratefulness and hope. Speak of His goodness even when your life isn’t perfect.

Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.

Q1: Who is a celebrity or influencer who seems really full of themselves? What makes you think that?

Q2: What do your friends tend to brag about the most?

Q3: What are some examples of boasting in the Lord?

Q4: How would someone who is full of themselves handle set-backs differently than someone who is full of faith and hope in Jesus?

Q5: What can you do to humble yourself and praise God more this week?