Miracles: Jesus Walks on Water

Jackson GarrellCircles, Uncategorized

READ: Mark 6:45-51
Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray. Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed. 

Jesus had been trying to get some peace and quiet for the last few chapters in Mark. There’s a rhythm. He goes away to get some rest, then something comes up that requires His attention. After feeding over five thousand hungry people with supernatural Fillet-o-Fish sandwiches, He was ready to head up to the mountainside to reflect, rest, and reset. Strangely, Jesus encouraged His disciples to get in another boat to make a short sail to Bethesda — the next stop on their journey. 

Suddenly, in a familiar scene to the followers, a storm swept across the sea making their boat bob up and down like a buoy. Winds went against their sails. Waves rammed into their walls. The current began pulling them away — rendering them out of control. Next thing you know, they were off course in the middle of a sudden storm. Have you ever had a storm shove you off course? You didn’t plan on experiencing emotional pain. You didn’t dream your parents would ever divorce. You didn’t imagine you’d suddenly be single trying to heal after heartbreak. It’s difficult to be blown off course by storms, because it reminds us that life is out of our control. 

We talk about thriving in life, but sometimes just surviving the storm is our goal. I feel you because I have been there too. We had clear-cut plans, dreams, and goals, but now we are struggling just to keep our heads above water. You’re not even concerned with success anymore, you just want to survive. Fortunately, just like in this story, Jesus is paying attention. 

With walls of water crashing over His body and wind pushing Him like a linebacker, Jesus walks on water towards the disciples. The passage doesn’t say He shouted advice from the shore. Nor does it say that Jesus stopped the storm. He saw that they were struggling, so He stepped in. 

He didn’t just help them during the storm, He joined them in the storm. He treated the terrifying waves like stepping stones moving towards his friends. Whenever your problems feel like storms throwing you off course, know that Jesus is moving towards you. What are the waves in your life right now? Maybe they’re heartbreak, loss, despair, helplessness, stress, or loneliness. When waves are crashing over your head, remember that they’re under His feet. Jesus may not stop the storm. However, He promises to be with you in the storm — and the waves don’t phase Him. 

Strong storms are captivating to watch from our windows, but terrifying to experience outside. There is just something soothing about being in a shelter. I cannot imagine anything more disorienting than encountering that kind of turbulence on a little boat. That’s what unexpected problems do though, they make us feel disoriented. When the thunder was booming and the rain was blinding, the disciples almost missed Jesus walking towards them (6:45). They were so focused on their fear that they almost missed the miracle right in front of their eyes. 

Don’t miss the miracle. Don’t let distractions dominate you, because you might miss what God is doing. When you position your focus on your problems, you will feel hopeless and helpless. However, when you proactively choose to look past your problems, you will begin to see Jesus more clearly. He’s right there with you. Even when your eyes aren’t on Jesus, His eyes are always on you. 

This isn’t to say the pain you’re encountering isn’t important. It’s actually the opposite. Sometimes sadness feels like a severe storm. Sometimes tragedy feels like a tidal wave. Sometimes hurt can feel like a hurricane. Your pain is important and it matters to God. We are encouraging you to shift your focus, because you can’t fight these feelings on your own. You need supernatural intervention — you need Jesus. He’s miraculously walking on water through your storm and into your arms. Stick it out and take courage — Jesus is near. 

Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.
Q1: Poor Jesus just can’t nap in peace! What do you like to do to relax? 
Q2: Summarize this miracle of Jesus walking on water. How could this be a metaphor for struggles in life?
Q3: How do you typically respond to life’s storms?
Q4: What distractions keep you from looking to Jesus when you’re going through challenging times? 
Q5: How could drawing near to Jesus during tough times change the way you respond to everything life’s throwing at you?
Q6: What’s one thing you can do to shift your focus off your problems and onto praising God?