Jackson GarrellCircles, Uncategorized


Happy 2019! It’s a brand new year! 
People are still finding confetti in random corners of New York City. 
The gyms are full. 
People are forcing themselves to eat kale for lunch. 
People are putting their smartphones down and trying to be more intentional about their time with friends and family.

All over the nation, people made resolutions. These are declarations of practical ways they want to proactively change their lives. Many people resolved for better health, greater success, happier lives, and even less time on social media. All of these resolutions are great. A pursuit towards a better life is powerful. 

Here is our recommendation to you. Work to win in your walk with God this year. Make a goal towards improving your walk with God every day, every week, and every month. This decision will not only improve your attitude — it will change your life. 

READ: 1 Corinthians 13:5-6 
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test. 

Start here — evaluate your life.  

Take a good, hard look at your personal walk with God. Where are you strong? Where do you need some improvement? Sit down with your group and honestly talk about these strengths and weaknesses. Discover practical ways to help each other win in your walks. 

Have you ever felt like you had no idea what was going on? When I was in high school, I sat down in front of a piece of paper that looked like it was uncovered from an Egyptian burial ground. The page was covered in bizarre scribbles and shapes. Every line made less sense than the one before. This was not a history class handout — it was my math pop quiz. 

The day before, our teacher encouraged us to study something called SIN, COS, and TAN. I spent the previous night at a basketball game and ice-cream shop with friends. I did not touch my math book, but I did have an amazing milkshake. However, that did not help me in the moment. I was stuck. The pop quiz started and I literally got every single question wrong. I did not understand how to even start the process, so I bombed the worst I had ever bombed a quiz. I don’t even think I spelled my name right — I made a zero. 

I strongly considered just writing “Jesus” in the answer section for all ten questions. At least I could get some credit for that, right? 

This test was evidence that I had failed to do the assignment. It wasn’t the teacher’s fault. It wasn’t the textbook’s fault. It wasn’t the basketball team’s fault. It was all my fault. I needed to improve and this test proved it. This proves a pivotal principle — there is value in evaluation. 

Sure, evaluating yourself can be a little embarrassing. It can expose some serious weaknesses. However, when you choose to honestly look in the mirror, your reflection will help you resolve to do better. Your reflection will lead you in a new direction. 

This CIRCLE has two sets of questions: four for the group & four for yourself. Really spend time thinking and talking over this section. When you begin to see where you can improve, then we are going to start making steps towards improving. Come up with a plan. Stick to it. Encourage your friends to stick to theirs. Own the outcome.
You cannot change what you refuse to confront.