Jackson GarrellCircles, Uncategorized

It only takes a moment for the momentum to shift.

Some people call themselves “outdoorsy.” Well, I am the opposite of that — indoorsy? Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of nature and relaxing in God’s creation. However, I don’t like bugs or dirt.

Have you ever been to summer camp? I used to go every year. I loved every part of it, except the outside parts. One year, our cabin went on a hike in the mountains of North Carolina. The beginning wasn’t to bad — some small rocks and maybe a mosquito or two. Things drastically changed about quarter mile into the hike though. Briskly walking on a slight slope transformed into mountain climbing an insurmountable incline covered in wet rocks and running water. Every step was more slippery than the next and I was convinced that every stick was a snake. The higher we got, the more wet and slippery the rocks became. This made me fall multiple times while fighting off drone-sized mosquitoes. All of this took place in the southern humidity, so the air felt like a mist of sweet tea.

After almost forty-five minutes of this, my body was ready to give out. I was drenched in sweat, covered in bug bites, ready to pass out, and prepared to become bear food. I was absolutely done. Something changed though as people started cheering me on while we went up the hardest part of the hike. They could tell I was struggling, so they all began motivating me. Their motivation didn’t change the mountain slope, but it changed my momentum. Progress produced more progress. Ironically, the hardest parts became the easiest. Despite the path being difficult and my body being as strong as boiled spaghetti, the momentum shifted in that moment and everything changed. Next thing I knew, I was at the top of the mountain peak overlooking the smokey mountains. It was absolutely breath-taking.

READ: Philippians 2:13-16 (MSG Version)
“That energy is God’s energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure. Do everything readily and cheerfully – no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I’ll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You’ll be living proof that I didn’t go to all this work for nothing.”
Momentum matters.

There is momentum in your life too. You will notice that small improvements turn into bigger improvements which turn into massive change. It all starts with a little momentum.

Here is a practical example — start your day with scripture. When you take the initiative to wake up a little earlier and spend time with God, you will start to see your whole day improve. Just the sheer discipline it takes to wake up earlier will make a big difference. Discipline in one area translates to discipline in many areas. When you pair that discipline with scripture and prayer — you will be unstoppable. What do you need to improve in your life?

Do you need to be a better friend?
Do you need to be a better student?
Do you want to be healthier?
Do you want to start feeling better?

All of these things will improve when you start spending time with God more frequently. Will things change immediately? Probably not. Will it happen over time? Certainly, because momentum makes a big difference.