Miracles: Jesus Heals

Jackson GarrellCircles, Uncategorized

READ: Mark 2:1-9
A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”  Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk?’ I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”

The Book of Mark serves as a highlight reel of Jesus’ miracles and ministry. The writer uses compact and compelling language to retell the supernatural ministry of his friend, Jesus. Early in the book, we encounter Jesus doing ministry in Capernaum, a small fishing village in Galilee. When Jesus first arrived in Capernaum, He did not go unnoticed. His first move was to cast out a whole bunch of demons, then He healed a lot of people outside the synagogue, then He cured a man who was cursed with leprosy. Naturally, Jesus was starting to get quite the celebrity status, so crowds began following Him. That brings us to this stunning story at the beginning of chapter two. 

It’s a cool and quiet evening along the coast, but there is a lot of commotion coming from a house in the center of the village. Jesus is speaking there which has caused a massive crowd to fill the rooms and spill out into the streets. This creates a big problem for five guys who desperately wanted to catch a glimpse of this miracle-worker from Galilee. They arrive at the crowded street dumfounded at the density of the crowd. They need to see Jesus, but they can’t just shove their way through the congested crowd.  Why? Because one of their friends is paraplegic. This means that he couldn’t walk — let alone push people. This paralyzed man is fortunate to have had some good friends though, because they hatched a plan to get their friend a front row ticket to see Jesus.

I am sure the paralyzed friend was politely saying, “It’s okay guys, today is just not the day.” However, his friends wouldn’t let this opportunity pass. They carried him to the roof and began ripping it apart piece by piece. Roofs during this time were made of mud and sticks, not boards and nails. Imagine these guys at work! They were clawing and digging, risking filth and splinters just to get a peek at Jesus from above. I imagine that dirt, rocks, and debris were beginning to fall through the ceiling, inevitably interrupting the sermon. Finally, a little light peeks through the cracks as a man gets lowered through the newly-formed skylight. 

Look at how much risk and discomfort these guys went through for their friend! They destroyed someone else’s property. Not even by the cover of the night! It was right in the middle of a massive, public presentation. They used their bear hands to claw through clay. Their hands were muddy and maybe even a little bloody. Why were they willing to face the repercussions and embarrassment? Because they had faith that Jesus could help their friend. I am sure there were a million reasons for them to stop, but they kept tearing off the roof — shingle by shingle. Just like these friends, let your faith move you forward. 

Their faith resulted in a confused and quiet room gawking at a paralyzed man laying before Jesus. Jesus broke the silence by saying “I see your friends faith, your sins are forgiven.” I’m sure quiet whispers filled the room. First, don’t they see this man is paralyzed? Second, only God can forgive sins, who is this guy to make that kind of claim? Jesus took this moment to show that He doesn’t just physically heal, He can also spiritually heal. The faith of theses friends was rewarded, because the parapalegic picked up his mat and walked right through the crowd. This man encountered healing through the help of his fiends. 

Ripping off a roof for a friend is awkward, unsafe, risky, and uncomfortable. When was the last time you risked your own safety and comfort for a friend to experience Jesus? I am not suggesting you go destroy a roof, but you need to take some uncomfortable steps for the benefit of those around you. It’s uncomfortable to talk to your friends about Jesus, but the outcome is worth the discomfort. It’s hard to help your friends through a difficult time, but you can help them find healing. It’s awkward to talk to someone about sin in their life, but you can point them towards forgiveness. Jesus almost always leads you outside of your comfort zone. 

There are struggling, paralyzed, sinful people all around you — help them encounter Jesus. Your faith just might result in a miracle! You can literally help make miracles happen. So take that crucial step, even if it feels unsafe or uncomfortable. 

Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.
Q1: Who is your best friend and why?
Q2: What was the physical miracle performed by Jesus in the story? What was the spiritual miracle performed by Jesus in this story?
Q3: What is the significance of Jesus healing this man spiritually before healing him physically? 
Q4: What role did the paralyzed man’s friends play in his healing?  
Q5: Have you ever been able to help a friend find healing? How?
Q6: What can you do this week to boldly help a friend grow closer to finding physical, emotional, relational or spiritual healing?